Bunnies, and eggs, and chocolate, oh my! It's tough to believe spring is already here, and Easter's just around the corner. Even with all the Miracle March spring snow, enjoy the warming temperatures and celebrate the holiday in a colorful and sweet way!
On-Mountain Easter Egg Hunt
Where/Where: Squaw Valley Resort at 10am
The annual on-mountain Easter egg hunt begins the moment the lifts open on Sunday. Get your Easter basket ready and hunt for colored eggs all over the mountain. This year, one lucky winner will find a GOLDEN EGG. Within the golden egg lies a 2012-13 Bronze season pass. Clues will be provided throughout the day via Twitter, the Squaw Smartphone App and Facebook.
All Mountain Easter Egg Hunt & Kids' Easter Egg Hunt
Where/When: Alpine Meadows at 9am
Make room in that Easter basket to fit a season pass to Alpine Meadows Ski Resort! Guests will have the chance to comb the mountain for a golden egg containing a Bronze Season Pass in the free Adult Easter Egg Hunt. Hundreds of eggs will be hidden across all of Alpine's 2400 acres, but only one will be gold. Arrive early, as this all-day hunt will commence when the lifts start moving at 9 a.m., and last until 4 p.m.
If you don't want to meet the Easter Bunny or hunt for eggs, how about celebrating with family and friends at Easter Brunch? The following locations offer an Easter Brunch that is sure to leave you satisfied: