It's tough to live in the United States and ignore the existence of Super Bowl Sunday. American football is more than a pastime; it's an integral part of our culture. So there's no denying that many skiers and snowboarders may come off the hill on Sunday to throw back a few beers and watch the game. Sounds like a great way to unwind those ski legs.
So now that we've gotten that out of the way, the big questions is: Seahawks or Broncos? What's your bet? Are you rooting for the underdog, staying true to your roots, or not care at all? We're curious.
If you're at Squaw Valley this weekend want to watch the game with other fan(atics), hit up
The Big Game Party in the Village, at Plaza Bar. Kick off is at 3:30pm, and Coors Light pitchers are only $12 a pop.
Here's to hoping your team wins … ! Go ahead. Make your prediction.